Hoisting in JavaScript

Oct 25, 2024

What is Hoisting in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, hoisting refers to the default behavior where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase, even before the code is executed. This means you can use a function or variable before it is declared in the code.

However, only the declaration is hoisted, not the initialization (the assignment of values). This can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior if not properly understood.

How Hoisting Works with Variables

When JavaScript hoists variables, only their declaration is moved to the top, while the initialization stays in place. Variables declared with var are hoisted differently from those declared with let and const.

// Example with var (Hoisted):
console.log(myVar); // Output: undefined
var myVar = 5;
console.log(myVar); // Output: 5

In the above code, the declaration var myVar is hoisted to the top. However, its value (5) is assigned only when the code reaches that line. So, the first console.log outputs undefined.

// Example with let and const (Not Fully Hoisted):
console.log(myLet); // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'myLet' before initialization
let myLet = 10;

Variables declared with let and const are also hoisted, but they exist in a temporal dead zone (TDZ) until their initialization. This prevents accessing them before they are assigned a value.

How Hoisting Works with Functions

Function declarations are fully hoisted, meaning you can call a function before it is declared. However, function expressions are not hoisted the same way.

// Example of Hoisted Function Declaration:
greet(); // Output: Hello, World!
function greet() {
console.log("Hello, World!");

Since function declarations are hoisted, the call to greet() works even before the function is defined.

// Example of Function Expression (Not Hoisted):
sayHello(); // TypeError: sayHello is not a function
var sayHello = function() {

In this case, sayHello is treated as a variable declaration (hoisted but not initialized), so it results in a TypeError.

Best Practices to Avoid Hoisting Issues

  • Use let and const instead of var to avoid unexpected behavior with hoisting.
  • Declare functions and variables at the top of their scope for better code clarity.
  • Be mindful of the temporal dead zone when using let and const.


Hoisting is a powerful concept in JavaScript that can sometimes cause confusion. While function declarations are fully hoisted, variables behave differently based on how they are declared (var, let, or const). Understanding these nuances helps in writing cleaner and more predictable code.